Leadership Development Programs
Identity-Based Leadership Development
How does identity influence leadership? Identities such as race, gender, class, sexual orientation, national origin, ability, or religious affiliation carry particular significance given their influence on our social, cultural, political, and economic experiences within a specific historical or geographical context.
Asian Pacific American Leadership Training Institute (APALTI)
The Asian Pacific American Leadership Training Institute (APALTI) is a student-facilitated and MSS-sponsored leadership development program for 30-40 1st and 2nd year APISAA (Asian, Pacific Islander, South Asian American) students.
Women’s Asian American Leadership Initiative (WAALI)
The Women’s Asian American Leadership Initiative (WAALI) is a student-facilitated and MSS-sponsored leadership development program for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th year Asian/Asian-American women identifying students.
Latinx Leadership Institute (LLI)
The Latinx Leadership Institute (LLI), launched in spring 2018, is an 8-week, student-facilitated, and cohort-based leadership development program for 1st and 2nd Year Hispanic/Latinx emerging leaders.
Muslim Institute for Leadership and Empowerment (MILE)
The Muslim Institute for Leadership & Empowerment (MILE) is a leadership, identity, and community development program that seeks to create socially-aware leaders within the University and beyond.