Who We Are

The Policy, Accountability, and Critical Events (PACE) unit of Student Affairs includes coordination and support of student accountability processes, policy and compliance, and critical incident/event response.

PACE advances the University’s mission to develop responsible citizen leaders by:

  • Supporting the student-run Honor and Judiciary Committees in their ownership and management of student conduct adjudication;
  • Promoting a student culture of self-governance, honor, respect, safety, and freedom;
  • Facilitating student accountability practices that are fair, transparent, and educational;
  • Developing and managing University policies that support student, Divisional, and University priorities;
  • Creating and executing emergency response plans that promote student safety and the ongoing delivery of mission essential functions; and
  • Reviewing and advancing relevant government legislation to support the student experience. 

About Us

Student Accountability Process

This process provides students with an educational, fair, and impartial means for resolving reports where a student may have violated the Standards of Conduct or University policies.

Group Accountability Process

This process provides student organizations with an educational, fair, and impartial means for resolving reports where an organization may have violated the Standards of Conduct or University policies.

Students on Lawn in summer in front of Rotunda


At their best, rules and regulations reflect a community's values. At UVA, we take pride in our longstanding (and ever-evolving) traditions, including the time-honored Honor System. Take a look at key policies that shape daily life at the University.

Yellow flower in bloom

Reports and Data

Review available data from the University’s Annual Fire Safety and Security Report, University Judiciary Committee Statistics, Honor Committee Statistics, and the Hazing Misconduct Report.

Two students walking by the Amphitheater

Resources and Help

Looking for help or additional resources? Check out this page for more information.

Report an Incident or Concern