Contact Us

Student Affairs

Rotunda, Northeast Wing
1826 University Avenue
P.O. Box 400303
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4304

Phone: (434) 924-7984
Fax: (434) 924-1002
[email protected]

Operating Schedule

Parent Help Line

(434) 243-3333

How to Find Us

We are located in the northeast wing of the Rotunda, and our front door faces University Avenue/Brooks Hall area. If you are arriving from the Lawn, you will walk down the east side (past the even-numbered Pavilion residences). Our door will be on the left, and there is a sign on the door that says, "Vice President for Student Affairs."

Care and Support Services
Peabody Hall, Second Floor

P.O. Box 400708
Charlottesville, VA 22904

Phone: (434) 924-7133
[email protected]

View location in a larger map.

How to Find Us

Peabody Hall is a short walk from the Central Grounds Parking Garage. From the top floor of the garage, walk across the brick courtyard and up the outside steps to your right and adjacent to Newcomb Hall. At the top of the stairs, follow the sidewalk straight ahead. The building to your left is Peabody Hall. There is a blue sign in front of the building.

If you have difficulty accessing steps and prefer to take an elevator, please use this alternate route. From the top floor of the Central Grounds Parking Garage, walk across the brick courtyard and through the white double doors of Newcomb Hall. Walk down the hallway in front of you, and turn right into a smaller hallway. Take the elevator (on your right) to the third floor. Leave Newcomb Hall on the third floor and walk to the building located directly behind Newcomb Hall. This is Peabody Hall. You can enter through the front door on the opposite side of the building.

Newcomb Hall

P.O. Box 400701
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4701

(434) 924-3601
[email protected]

Academic Year Building Hours

Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to midnight
Sunday: 8 a.m. to midnight


Office of African-American Affairs

Luther P. Jackson House
#4 Dawson's Row

P.O. Box 400132
Charlottesville, VA 22904

Phone: 434-924-7923

Contact Us

Career Center

1815 Stadium Road
Bryant Hall at Scott Stadium
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Phone: 434-924-8900
[email protected]

Contact Us

Student Health & Wellness

550 Brandon Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Phone: (434) 924-5362
[email protected]

Contact Us

Housing & Residence Life

Gibbons House
425 Tree House Drive
Alderman Road Residence Area

Phone: 434-924-3736
[email protected]

Contact Us