Asian Pacific American Leadership Training Institute (APALTI)

The Asian Pacific American Leadership Training Institute (APALTI) is a student-facilitated and MSS-sponsored leadership development program for 30-40 1st and 2nd year APISAA (Asian, Pacific Islander, South Asian American) students. The 10-week cohort-based program meets for 2 hours a week in the Spring Semester. Recruitment usually occurs in October in the fall prior to the program commencement.

APALTI is a leadership development program based on the Social Change Model of Leadership and infuses concepts of cultural identity within the curriculum. Within the 10-week program, students are able to learn about their leadership identity and efficacy in the context of their cultural identity(ies) through a number of activities, workshops, speakers, projects, and other educational tools. The hope for the program is that each participant will be able to understand their capabilities of creating social positive change and that each understand that leadership and social change is a process, rather than a position.

APALTI Team photo

Get Involved

Applications and Interviews for the 2023-2024 APALTI cohort are closed. Please check back in Fall 2024 for more information about recruitment for the next cohort.

For more info or questions, email [email protected] or Nehali Patel, MSS Program Coordinator, at [email protected].