All Parents
Vice President Kenyon R. Bonner, Student Affairs

Dear Parents and Family Members:

I hope your student has had a good semester so far and perhaps will be visiting you in the next few days for Spring Break.

The safety and well-being of our students is always a top priority. With that in mind Interim Dean of Students Cedric Rucker sent a safety-related message earlier today to all students (please see below). If your student is staying in Charlottesville, we have set up a Spring Break resource page for them.

Two other topics to mention:

Family Weekend 2024

The weekend of October 25-27 has been set for this fall’s Family Weekend. Hotels fill up quickly, so we suggest reserving accommodations as soon as possible. The Visit Charlottesville website is a good resource to check options for this area. Another suggestion is to check hotels and other forms of lodging in nearby Waynesboro.

Activities on Saturday, October 26, include a football game against the University of North Carolina Tarheels. Tickets for the game, beginning at $29, will go on sale March 11 at 9 a.m. 

The Family Weekend website will be updated as the schedule and additional information are finalized.

Congratulations to New Student Leaders

Voting took place this week for student leadership positions across the University. With student self-governance being a central value of the UVA experience, these elected student leaders will be fulfilling important duties this spring and into the 2024-2025 academic year. Hundreds of UVA students learn and practice leadership through a number of avenues. Congratulations to everyone who is the parent or family member of a UVA student leader!

If a member of my team or I can be helpful to you or your student, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] or 434-924-7984.


Kenyon R. Bonner
Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer

Dear Students:

Many of you will be leaving soon for Spring Break. Wherever you are traveling, I hope you will have a great time and get to recharge a bit before returning for the last weeks of the semester.

Some of you will be staying here, so be sure to check out the Spring Break webpage with information on hours of various buildings and services. I hope you will also find some time for fun and recharging.

Whether staying or going, please take a few moments to review the safety tips below. 


Thefts and break-ins often increase during holiday and semester break periods. Some important tips to keep in mind during Spring Break: 

General reminders:
  • Avoid ordering packages or consider rescheduling any package deliveries while away. Thefts of unsecured mail/packages have recently occurred from porches of off-Grounds housing.
  • Double-check that all windows and doors are secure.
  • Pull the curtains or shades in your residence.
  • Keep a list of serial numbers for all electronics in a secured place. 
  • Let a friend or loved one know where you will be.
If you are leaving Charlottesville:
  • Take valuables with you.
  • Lock or otherwise properly secure your scooter or bicycle and park them in designated, well-lit areas. Consider using a throttle lock.
  • Do not store gas-powered vehicles inside.
  • If your car remains in Charlottesville, lock it and do not leave valuables inside.
  • If you would like UPD to do an exterior visual security check on your residence while you are away, fill out this form.
If you are staying in Charlottesville:
  • Fewer people will be on the Grounds and in Charlottesville, especially at night. Remain aware of your surroundings and do not walk alone at night. Walk in well-lit public areas.
  • Be aware of University Transit schedule changes.
  • Use Safe Walk, especially after dark. You can request a free Safe Walk from an Ambassador, at the Public Service Substation on the Corner, or by calling 434-984-7622, extension 406.
  • Always lock your doors and windows, even when you are home.
  • Report any suspicious behavior to University Police by calling or texting 911. Police want you to contact them. 
  • See the Spring Break website for schedule information.

Best wishes for an enjoyable and safe break.

Cedric B. Rucker
Interim Dean of Students