Fraternal Organization Agreement

Requirements, Forms, and Resources

  • Fraternal Organization Agreement - this document outlines the terms of the University's agreement with fraternal organizations.  This document does not pertain to academic fraternities or those with CIO status.
  • 2024 - 2025 FSL Requirements - a comprehensive overview of all requirements for the academic year, including meetings, forms, deadlines, etc.
  • Spring 2025 FSL Programs - includes dates/times and sign-up links for SP25 FSL-sponsored FOA programs
  • FOA Program Resource Guide – refer to this guide to help find and schedule available FOA programs
  • FOA Program Exception Form - Have an FOA Program idea that isn't listed on the FOA Program Resource Guide or sponsored by FSL? Complete this form for the FOA Program to be considered and approved by FSL
  • FOA Educational Program Evaluation Form – this form must be completed for each FOA programming requirement. This is how chapters receive credit for completing FOA Educational Programs.