Dear Graduating Students:
Wahoowa! The end is in sight as we finish up another academic year and you complete your undergraduate studies at UVA. Congratulations on successfully navigating an especially challenging time for everyone, but especially for you over the past two years. While the pandemic threw out one curveball after another, you met those challenges with resilience, fortitude, and grace. Congratulations on a job well-done.
Please read on for several reminders and more information about resources that can be helpful as Finals Weekend draws closer:
- Maintaining Healthy Habits
- Study Break Ideas
- Celebrating Safely and Smartly
- Mental Health Support with TimelyCare
- Free Breakfast with Ms. Kathy: Finals Weekend at 1515
- UVA Career Center: Availability after Graduation
- Student Health and Wellness: Last Day for Access
- Hours for Student Health and Wellness
Maintaining Healthy Habits
With the end of the year come celebrations to attend and deadlines to meet, not to mention final papers and exams. Maintaining healthy habits during this time is more important than ever. Refuel your body with regular meals and snacks. Get your z’s, since a good night’s rest results in better outcomes than pulling an all-nighter (don’t forget that it takes about eight hours for caffeine to leave the body, so avoid it in the late afternoon or evening). Take regular study breaks, and move your body to clear your head. And don’t forget to socialize, whether that’s finding a friend to toss around a Frisbee or have a bite to eat. The experts agree that laugher really is the best medicine.
Study Break Ideas
- Take a quick walk on Grounds. See the walking paths map.
- Jazz in the Amphitheater: Wednesday, May 4, noon-3 p.m. Learn more.
- “Connections,” featuring the Charlottesville Ballet with a pre-performance talk, “Democracy and Dance,” sponsored by UVA’s Karsh Institute for Democracy, May 7.
- Check out University Events for more study break ideas.
Celebrating Safely and Smartly
We all play a role in creating a community of care where every student feels safe, included, and supported. Ways to do this can include setting intentions that align with our values, respecting others who do the same, and stepping in to help others when we notice something concerning. Remember the 3D’s (Direct, Distract, Delegate) – three different strategies of intervening and preventing a potential moment of harm. If alcohol is involved, remember that almost all UVA students who drink use five or more safer strategies. As always, be on the lookout for signs of an alcohol emergency (PUBS).
Mental Health Support with TimelyCare
Stressful times call for prioritizing your mental health. TimelyCare, virtual mental health care for Hoos, is available 24/7. Connect with a mental health professional by phone or video within minutes using TimelyCare TalkNow, or schedule a counseling session with a TimelyCare provider of your choice. Get started at by registering with your student email address. TimelyCare services are made possible thanks to a partnership with Counseling and Psychological Services.
Please note: TimelyCare services are available to graduating students through May 27.
Free Breakfast with Ms. Kathy: Finals Weekend at 1515
Saturday, May 21, and Sunday, May 22, 6-8:30 a.m.
Before lining up for the Lawn procession during Finals Weekend, be sure to drop by 1515 for a hug and final send-off from Ms. Kathy of Newcomb Hall fame. Breakfast burritos (both meat and vegetarian) will be available for any students in cap and gown. Coffee and infused water will also be available. Special thanks to the UVA Parents Committee for their generosity in funding this event. Hosted by Student Affairs.
UVA Career Center: Availability Post-Graduation
The UVA Career Center provides services and Handshake to undergraduates for one semester after graduation. Alumni Career Services (ACS) also is available upon graduation.
For students in Education, Commerce, Engineering, Batten, Architecture, and Economics, you may contact the affiliate career office associated with your school. More information is available at Affiliate Career Services.
Please be sure to complete the Class of 2022 Graduate Destinations Survey, which is available by logging in to Handshake. (Your link will be different if you are a Batten, McIntire, or Nursing student.)
Student Health and Wellness: Last Day for Access
The last day for graduating students to be seen at Student Health and Wellness (SHW) and to access TimelyCare services is Friday, May 27. If you need to make an appointment, you can do so online on HealthyHoos or by calling 434-924-5362.
Hours for Student Health and Wellness
Beginning May 16 and continuing through late August, the hours for SHW and the UVA Health satellite Pharmacy located in the SHW building will vary slightly:
OPEN: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Pharmacy closed from noon-12:45 p.m. for lunch).
CLOSED: May 30, June 20, July 4 (official University holidays).
Please stay safe and be well as you finish up the year. I look forward to seeing you at many events during Finals Weekend. Wherever your next step may be taking you, remember you always have a home at UVA.
Warm regards,
Robyn S. Hadley
Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer