2020 Graduates
James E. Ryan, President

Dear Class of 2020,

In light of Governor Northam’s recently revised guidance on graduation ceremonies, I am thrilled to announce that we are now able to offer you the opportunity to attend a special in-person ceremony on May 16, 2021, dedicated to the Class of 2020.   

If you’re able to make it to Charlottesville in May, you’ll have the opportunity to walk the Lawn and process to Scott Stadium for a ceremony.  Each graduate will be permitted two guests in Scott Stadium.  If you or your guests are not able to attend in person, all events will be livestreamed. You can find more information and stay up-to-date on details as they become available on the major events website.

This new opportunity comes in addition to plans for an early reunion-style social event during the Summer of 2022, which will also include an opportunity to walk the Lawn. I wholeheartedly welcome you to join us for both events.

I hope that this opportunity for a belated in-person graduation comes as welcome news to you and your families.  It has been a challenging year, especially for your class, and I am looking forward to the chance to formally recognize—and rightfully celebrate—all you have accomplished.

Thank you for your patience as this planning has evolved. I look forward to greeting you on May 16 if you’re able to join us, and to celebrating with you in the summer of 2022 regardless.
