All Students
Harper Jones, Chair, University Judiciary Committee

To the University Community,

I hope this email finds you well as you settle in to the Spring semester.

The University Judiciary Committee (UJC) is the student-run body of the University of Virginia authorized to investigate and adjudicate alleged violations of the University’s 12 Standards of Conduct. The UJC is dedicated to promoting the values of safety, freedom, and respect within the University Community — our support officers and representatives work tirelessly each day to uphold a fair and efficient trial process with equitable and informed outcomes for all parties involved.

The Fall 2024 Semester Report presents the UJC’s case statistics for twenty-two (22) cases, which were finalized from the period beginning 6/1/2024 and ending 12/31/2024.  These cases included three (3) organizational cases and nineteen (19) individual student cases. Thirteen (13) of these 22 cases involved violations of Standards of Conduct 1 and/or 2 — allegations related to physical assault and threats to safety and health — and twenty-two (22) included violations of Standards of Conduct 6 and/or 10 — allegations related to violation of University policy or federal, state, or local law.

As in the spring semester, the Committee worked to adjudicate a demanding and lengthy docket. UJC Representatives and Support Officers continue to dedicate extensive time to this work, and I am exceptionally grateful for the service they provide to the University community and of their continued  professionalism, dedication, empathy, and commitment in doing this work. As of January 20, 2025, the UJC docket includes another seven (7) pending cases. The Fall 2024 Report includes a more detailed graphic breakdown of various sanctions issued by the Committee as well as case trends throughout the semester.

Aligned with our educational mandate, UJC representatives approach the sanction-crafting process with a focus on rehabilitative, restorative justice and the promotion of safety, freedom, and respect within the University community. Our multi-sanction system seeks to produce sanctions that are proportionate to each violation of the Standards of Conduct, while simultaneously aiding Accused students and organizations in reflection, growth, and reparation to the broader UVA community. This semester, the Committee issued two (2) suspensions. As has been common over the past few terms, a majority of sanctions in the Fall of 2024 included research-based and reflective essays, community service, meetings with staff, faculty, or a representative from the UJC, suspensions in abeyance, changes to organizational rules and regulations, modification of leadership transition documents, and educational programs — demonstrating a continued commitment to restorative, rehabilitative justice.

The UJC is rooted strongly in the tradition of student self-governance. We remain committed to the ideal that students are best able to understand and contextualize the student experience and thus are best equipped to craft sanctions that promote accountability, reflection, and restoration. The UJC remains a resource for all students, faculty and staff, and members of the broader Charlottesville community, and we encourage you to file a complaint if you experience or witness a violation of the University’s Standards of Conduct.

We look forward to engaging further with the UVa community in the spring through a variety of community-wide events and programs, especially through our annual Judiciary Week, which will be held from March 24 - March 29. We also encourage you to reach out to your elected representatives to hear more about specific initiatives within your school community.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]. On behalf of the entire UJC, I hope you have a wonderful semester.

For the Committee,

Harper Jones (she/her)
Chair, University Judiciary Committee

Our Process:
The UJC receives complaints from students, faculty and staff, and community members through our online system. Upon receiving a complaint, the Executive Committee determines whether or not it falls within the Committee’s jurisdiction and 45-day statute of limitations. If at least four (4) of the five (5) voting members of the Executive Committee vote to accept the case, the UJC proceeds with our investigation and trial process.

Each student or organization that comes before the Committee has the choice to plead Guilty or Not Guilty to the Standard(s) of Conduct they are accused of violating. If an Accused party pleads Not Guilty, the trial moves to a Trial for Guilt, where a panel of five judges — representatives elected and/or appointed from their respective undergraduate and graduate schools — determines whether the student or organization has violated the Standard(s) of Conduct. If an Accused party is found Guilty or pleads Guilty, the trial moves to a Trial for Sanction, where the same trial panel determines sanctions for the Accused party. The Accused party has fourteen (14) days to file an appeal following a trial — more specific details on the rights and responsibilities of Accused parties and on the UJC process can be found on our website.

Throughout the entirety of our process, the rights of Accused parties are the utmost priority. The UJC is deeply committed to ensuring that each party has adequate time and resources to prepare for their trial while advancing the most equitable and efficient trial process possible.

Upcoming Opportunities for Engagement:

Run for a position as UJC Representative in upcoming Spring UBE Elections
In early March, the University community will be voting in the Spring 2025 University-wide Elections, including electing positions for UJC Representative. UJC Representatives are elected from each of the 13 undergraduate and graduate schools of the University for one-year terms beginning April 1. Each school elects two Representatives, except for the College of Arts and Sciences, which elects five. Representatives serve as judges during UJC trials and are responsible for Committee policy and procedure. All students are encouraged to run, and no prior experience is required.

All those interested in learning more about the campaign process and the role of a UJC Representative are encouraged to follow @uvaujc and @uva_ube or email [email protected] or [email protected].

Participate in the UJC’s Annual Judiciary Week
The UJC’s annual Judiciary Week will begin on Monday, March 24 and run through Friday, March 27. Through our programming, we hope to increase awareness and transparency about the UJC, our mission, and our processes. More details about specific events will be released in March.

Connect with the UJC
For more updates on the UJC, access our website or our Instagram @uvaujc